This site is maintained by Southwark Heritage Association for the benefit of its members and as an independent information resource on the London Borough of Southwark and the Pool of London.
If you would like to help us to build a better Southwark, in which our unique heritage is preserved to encourage future prosperity, by attracting both visitors and businesses, then why not become a member?
Southwark Heritage Association was formed in 1986 to promote Southwark's Heritage, which notion was pursued under the slogan, 'Historic Southwark Alive Today'. The Chamber of Commerce had commissioned a report that forecast the developing significance of travel to the social and commercial economy of the borough. The Council showed little interest in the report so SHA was formed to explore its implications. We defined heritage as 'that which we inherit from the past, use and develop in the present and leave, enhanced, for our children's future.' We wanted to consider business, domestic; education and tourist travel and its effect on our lives.